Roleplays to Read

Here, have a roleplay. There's plenty to choose from and they're all still being written! If you like it, let the writers know! :)

Please excuse the boring titles. We're writers, not writers.... wait...


Short Description of Story:
An old history hunter and a boy from the wild take on the world....What could possibly go wrong?

Theapprentice, and Psychogiggles


Short Description of Story: Set in the sandy lands of Ancient Arabia, this tale tells about a collection of sorcerers and sorcerers in training as they learn about the wild magics from the west, go about their daily lives, and then are thrust into a world or danger, scandal and treachery. If they don't put a stop to the evil, then the wars that tore the land apart only a few generations ago could fill the land yet again.

Writers: Seraphin, The Apprentice, and Psychogiggles


Short Description of Story: A group of teenagers with varying backgrounds and histories all find that they have one thing in common: They have all come in contact with an organization which used them as guinea pigs in a very interesting experiment. Can humans be given animal qualities? Why the organization wants this information, who they are working for, or what they plan to do with these experiments no one knows. But they know one thing, and that is that the experiments (at least with them) were a complete success and that life hiding animal characteristics isn't an easy one.

Writers: Seraphin and Psychogiggles


Short Description:
There is a large mansion in a beautiful valley in the middle of nowhere. The history of this mansion is shrouded in mystery, and terrible rumors of haunting and death surround it. The true secret of this house has nothing really to do with ghosts however, but much more to do with the strange tenants that live not in the rooms of the house, but on the walls which are covered with paintings. No one has lived in this home for some time. Those who live in the painted worlds on the walls have even forgotten that the "giants" ever existed at all. That is, until Susan De'Call set her sights on the old house...

Writters: Psychogiggles and Lady Sebene


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