The Hook

The entire city was in chaotic shambles. Cries for help echoed from the inner gates of the school. Once a place filled with learning and growth, it was now the epicenter of a magical storm. Wild beasts, used for summoning lessons ran into the streets. Plants from the herbology cupboards were growing wildly from windows. Items used for enchanting were being fashioned into weaponry. Teachers had turned against pupils, classmates against each other.  Innocent students were held hostage, being used to threaten members of the guild or guard who got too close. Items used for enchanting were being fashioned into weaponry. And the guildsmen, new to their position and having never faced a disaster of this level, were near panic.

One young man, a seasoned member of the guild from the capital city of Thanomah, shouted over the loud sounds of magical battle, trying to keep his men in line. “Keep the beasts back out of the city as long as you can! You three, gather up some others then get any civilians as far away as possible. The rest of you, turn your focus to destroying the plants and stopping the enchantments.” As he shouted, Tarik threw up an arm to push back a wall of flame which shot from the school to try and engulf nearby houses. Expertly he manipulated the flames, soothing them until they disappeared. But it was a small victory. If they didn’t regain control of the school soon, Tarik worried that the entire city would be engulfed in full battle.

How had everything gone so wrong? This was supposed to be an easy assignment. Come to Balismal, establish a tower and a new branch of the guild. But Balismal was a traditional city, and many seemed opposed to the additional security. Since its creation, the guild had focused on helping keep peace between sorcerers and those unable or unwilling to practice magic. Some cities had welcomed the help. Others had been more hesitant. But this was the first time Tarik had faced an open rebellion.

Tarik continued to shout orders, working to contain the chaos while the captain of the guard focused on the hostages. He had hopes that things were actually calming when he felt the ground tremble under his feet. There was a rush of magic and he heard and felt a large soundwave rip across the city. When he swiveled his head toward the sound he saw the city gates cracking and falling to the ground in large chunks. The streets shook and the sand covered cobblestones filled with similar cracks. Tarik’s eyes went wide as, through the fallen gates, he saw a large group, led by a man he recognized from images shown him through scrying at the guild’s tower in Thanomah . The leader of the Chodani: Sharun. But the number of followers was far greater than the Guild had ever anticipated. With growing shock Tarik realized that the school had just been a diversion. And already, his people were struggling to contain it. The man’s heart beat heavily in his chest. No. This wasn’t a time to panic. He needed to focus. If he rallied the guard as well, they might still be alright. And if they could subdue the advancing hoard….then the Chodani would never be a problem again.

Tarik quickly lost sight of Sharun in the fight. But that wasn’t his top priority. The school had fallen, the rebellion sent screaming into the streets. The sounds of war echoed on every side and Tarik did his best to rally his men to keep as many people safe as he could. That was why the guild had been formed in the first place! The screams of pain and fear mixed with the roars of beasts, set loose by members of the Chodani. Tarik directed the others and moved as quickly as he could, but he could feel his energy waning. He’d used so much magic already, and the Chodani were everywhere! He was alone now, and found himself not far from the newly constructed Guild’s tower. The large black building pointed proudly into the sky. He paused a moment to rest, breathing heavily as he stared at the building. But he hadn’t stopped long before he heard another scream. Immediately his head shot up to see a large beast advancing on a woman and a small child, the creatures tail swishing back and forth eagerly.

Tarik leapt forward, raising a hand. He poured his full focus onto the beast, forcing himself upon it’s subconscious, willing it to be still. The large animal stumbled forward then fell to its side, unconscious. “Go! Now!” he yelled, and the trembling woman quickly complied, clutching the child to her chest. A wave of dizziness coursed through him and Tarik stumbled against a wall. Forcing his will that quickly, on such a large beast took a great deal of magic. He closed his eyes and focused on at least calming his breathing a little. The battle was far from over! He opened his eyes and reached into a bag at his side, pulling out a potion which he quickly downed. The buzz of energy swirled in his stomach and he prayed his drained powers would replenish soon. As it was, he moved forward again slowly, keeping one hand against the wall as support. His eyes glimpsed figures gathering around the tower. Had it been their target all along? When he felt able, he pushed away from the wall and moved toward it again, focusing now on pulling at the magic deeper within himself.

As he approached, he heard a noise to the side and ducked out of the way just in time. A bolt of energy whizzed past him and struck into the ground, leaving a burning mark in the sand. Tarik turned to face his new assailant, but he couldn’t see them at first in the dark shadows of the homes there. His eyes roamed over the buildings, checking the roofs. There was another whizzing and he dodged to the side once more, then immediately spun around and shouted a spell, gathering a ball of fire in his hand then throwing it directly toward where the attack had come from. He became so involved in the attacking and defending that he didn’t notice his other enemy approaching until he heard the rustle of fabric. By then it was too late.

There was a flash of movement. Tarik saw the man beside him, facing the opposite direction. For a moment everything seemed to move slowly. Tarik was aware of the man raising one hand, glowing brightly, to clutch his forehead. But his own movements were too slow and before he could defend, he was slammed into the ground with great strength. As his back connected with the ground, power pulsed out from his body, the sand resting on the cobblestones pushed away by the force of the energy. Tarik’s back flared with pain, but he couldn’t make a sound. The hand of his attacker lifted, showing a brightly glowing symbol there. The man smiled darkly.

It was Sharun.

“I think you will serve as an excellent example to the people, don’t you?” he asked with a smirk, standing up again, back straight as others gathered around him. Tarik couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. The seal on his forehead would keep him silent, and make him unable to move except for his eyes which frantically roamed from Sharun to the others moving forward. The other men smirked and looked down at the man they now surrounded.

Sharun didn’t waste any time, and kicked Tarik in the side violently, the others starting to follow suit. Some had clubs, others just used their feet, or if they wanted, their fists. Frozen inside the seal, Tarik couldn’t even scream though inwardly he writhed at every kick, flinched at every hit. He became light-headed as his head was kicked, but he did not lose consciousness. The seal binding him must have been responsible for that. Sharun wanted him to be awake though everything.

After a few moments Sharun spoke, holding up his men to stop the onslaught.

“Wait. We don’t want him to miss any of this,” he said, chuckling as he reached into the pouch hanging from his belt, pulling out a strange metal object. Tarik’s breathing was labored and sporadic. At least one of his ribs was broken, he was certain, and though he tried to fully fill his lungs he couldn’t. Every part of him screamed out in pain and he could do nothing but raise his eyes to look once more at Sharun.

The man muttered a spell, and before everyone’s eyes the metal started to glow a hot red, but Sharun’s hand wasn’t affected. The other’s stepped back and watched eagerly as their leader crouched down next to Tarik and pushed open his tunic, uncovering the place where his heart would be. Tarik felt a chill through him where Sharun’s hands brushed his skin. His eyes went to the glowing metal and he recognized the symbol. The mark of the Chodani. He tried to brace himself as Sharun closed his eyes and whispered unintelligible words. When his eyes opened they seemed to glow. He grinned darkly as he pressed it to Tarik’s chest, the metal sizzling his skin and burning right to Tarik’s very core. Heat rushed from the burning metal down into his heart, as if he had been stabbed, then shot through every vein with Tarik’s blood, bringing a searing heat. Even through the seal, Tarik’s back arched slightly and a choked gasp escaped his lips. His eyes rolled back and his limbs trembled. Yet the pain, no matter how severe, would not allow him to lose consciousness, thanks to the added spell of the seal on his forehead.

Once it had burned to his liking, Sharun lifted the metal piece and admired the mark. He spoke quietly to Tarik, eyes locked with his bleary ones. “Let this brand be a reminder to all of who really rules these lands. It isn’t your order, who keeps down sorcerers and tries to control us needlessly. It is us, who you fear and mistreat, that are in charge. You’ve forgotten the powers hidden in these lands, and the gods are with us, not you. It is proven every day as our powers grow.” he tapped the bracelet on Tarik’s wrist with one hand. “Without these, you have no power over us. None of you will ever have power over us again. That is our mission.” he hissed, standing again and stuffing the brand into the pouch again. He nodded to the men, and the beating began again. The fire still coursed through his veins from the branding that at first, Tarik barely registered the mistreatment.

As the beating continued from the others, Sharun slowly moved around Tarik, and stood beside his head. With a smug superiority in his eyes, he gently moved Tarik’s head sideways to face him. Then with a sudden and harsh movement, he kicked the man in the face before shifting the head with his foot to make Tarik look straight up again, so he could better see those slowly killing him.

There was another large pulsing, like that that had destroyed the city gates. A man near Tarik looked to it, then, with a terrible smile grabbed Tarik by the hair, pulling him up to better face the tower. “Watch another piece of your hated empire fall.” he said with a laugh. And Tarik did, he had to. He watched small cracks weave through the dark stone of the tower, a stone that was supposed to be impervious to magic. What kind of power had the Chodani stumbled upon which was able to do this?! There were more cries of panic. Were there people inside? Or was that from people around. Tarik wasn’t sure, and he couldn’t get a good look before his head was released and fell to hit against the ground.  

A thunderous cracking sound was heard and Sharon raised a hand to stop his mean again. He laughed and motioned the men to move. “Let him be buried by his own creation! Come!” he ordered, walking away with the others.

The men complied, some supplying Tarik with a final kick, some spitting on him. The last made sure he was looking up to the tower once more. “Enjoy the show.” his hissed in Tarik’s ear, grinning wickedly as he hurried away.

Tarik tried with all his might to turn his head and see where they went. They had to be stopped! These people had to be stopped! He heard more sounds of battle but could see nothing but the light from spells and fire. He thought he heard as well as felt a solid burst of power, then heard Chodani calling to each other in panic. But most of the noises were drowned out by the rumbling of the tower before him.

Tarik shifted his eyes to look back at the tower, crumbling and tilting dangerously. Pieces began falling off and tumbling to the earth. Then the entire thing began to collapse. Each time another block fell around him he felt the ground shudder. A small stone hit against his shoulder, then another landing on his leg but could do nothing to defend himself from it. He would be buried alive by the building which he’d been sent to dedicate. Tarik found himself praying violently to Aldaw, the Six, and any who were listening. Let the death be swift, and let someone find and put a stop to Sharun and his followers.


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