
There are a couple of questions that a person may have when it comes to roleplaying. How do I roleplay? Where can I meet people to roleplay with? And the most common: What on earth is a roleplay? Well, if you google the word "roleplaying" you are likely to find a definition like, The acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously, in accordance with the perceived expectations of society with regard to a person's behavior in a particular context." (I know, because I just googled it.)
So, basically, roleplaying is kind of like acting, you step into a character's shoes and act like them, or in our case, write like them.
Or, if it makes it easier, you can use the definition that I always give people when they ask, "What is a roleplay?" I say, "It's kind of like writing a story with another person." You and one or two or however many other people decide, "Hey, let's write a story together!" and off you go! Everyone creates their own character(s) and then you have the characters interact with one another in a world that you create (or borrow if you want to try a fan-fiction roleplay).

The trouble with roleplaying is that, honestly, there are a lot of them out there, and very few of them are actually "good". They don't have good storylines, their characters are all Mary Sues (I'll explain what those are later), and they are filled with terrible grammar, punctuation, spelling, and story junk. Now, I'm not a grammar nazi. In fact, I've probably made a few errors in this very post which I'm writing. But at least I am trying not to sound like a complete moron. Some people don't even try and it drives me absolutely crazy! Roleplaying is such a fun activity! And if you can find a good group of people to roleplay with you can create amazing worlds and characters, not to mention connections with actual human beings who help create the world with you. (What? Social life?!)

But how can you possibly be expected to create amazing stories if you can't find any good at least halfway decent writers to write with?! Enter: The Roleplay Cafe! :) I've created this site in the hopes that we can lift the name of roleplaying into the relms of awesomeness instead of leaving it in the pits of "my eyes are bleeding this is so awful!" Or at least, bring it out of the realms of obscurity. As I put this website together, I'll add instructions on how to create your own roleplay, tips on getting to know and creating characters, and maybe even a word or two on grammar, just in case you are interested. ;)
I'll also be uploading some examples of roleplays that I have written with a few friends and I would love to see anything anyone else has writen. :) Well, I say "anything", but if you want your work posted on this site, there are some actual rules that your roleplay must follow.
1-It's got to have at least decent punctuation and grammar.
Like I said, you don't have to be a grammatical genius, but if I can't even the sentences go something like this... "'They're they are!' the man shouted as he walked, to them? 'U will never take me alive!" the hero shouted; drawing his sword. 'O? U think u can beat us." man said...." etc. then I am not going to be able to read more than a page without my eyeballs withering and falling out of my skull.
2-It can't be filled with smut.
I don't know where the idea came from that says that if something you write is filled with swearing, needless violence, excessive sexuality, it's "good stuff" came from, but it's a lie. And it's one that I am not giving in to. Seriously guys, anyone can swear every other word. It takes actual talent to write something "good". Or at least practice. If you want it on this site, it's gotta be pretty PG10. If it isn't... fabulous, I'm happy for you. Go put it somewhere else because I don't particularly like that stuff and this is my website so HA! ;)
3-Um....I can't think of a number three. :P If I think of one though, I know where to put it!

Anyway guys, roleplaying is awesome. I wish you luck in all writing endeavors and I hope to see you very soon as I add to this website!
'Till then, I'll see ya!



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