At the Desk

A little about our writers! :D

Hey everyone!  Sara here!  So a little about me, huh?  Well, I guess I'll start with my RP writing experiences.  I started doing roleplay writing waaaay back in 2009.  That's when I first started learning about it.  Some friends from school asked if I wanted to try it, and I said sure.  I didn't know what it was, and was kinda bad at it at first.  About a year later me and two other friends were doing really well!  We kept our story going for two years!  Sadly though, life moved on and we had to stop.  I didn't know anyone else who did (good wholesome) roleplay writing.  Not until about 2 1/2 years ago.  That's when I heard about Psycho wanting to do some.  I heard about it through Facebook.  Now, we didn't know each other really well, but because of the roleplays, we've become really good friends.  I wouldn't change that for the world!  We still keep doing our roleplays, and are finding new friends to share this with!  I just really love it!
Now for the normal stuff about me.... Uh... Well, I like drawing (but I think it's horrible most of the time), I also REALLY like watching anime or reading manga.  I've written many, many stories since I was in second grade.  I just loved writing, and still do.  Um.  My favorite animal would be a wolf, then a cat.  I love my fast metabolism, especially since I work at a fast food place and eat there all the time.  I like exercise, even though I complain while doing it.  And I love reading!  I seriously have bookshelves FILLED in my house with a ton of books, and that was after I boxed up a lot.  And I guess I really like hanging out with my friends.  Even though I don't have very many, I still love them!  And I love hanging with my little sister, Joy.

Hey guys! I'm TheApprentice! I've been a self-proclaimed writer for quite some time, working on my own novels and such.(Weather I'm good or not is for the people to decide!) But roleplays were completely foreign  to me until Psycho told me about them and got me excited about trying it. I think that was about... August? So three months or so. Needless to say, I ended up loving it a lot, and now greatly enjoy writing them with Psycho and Sara. I've known both Psycho and Sara for some time, but only just recently became really good friends with them. Seriously guys, these two are awesome! They're my best friends!
I love drawing a lot, and I do it all the time. Reading is a passion, and I can proudly say I practically have my own privet library. Playing the piano, singing, and music in general is also a huge chunk of my life, and I love almost every genre. Um... I like action movies, particularly Marvel movies. And watch MANY different kinds of TV series. (To many to list!) I will admit.. I am somewhat of a gamer, from PC to consoles I've done plenty of both. So yeah, that's a bit about me. Hope you guys enjoy yourselves here on our site! Have fun!


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