We're Back and Editing

While our writing here on "The Roleplay Cafe" has really slacked off over the last few years, I can assure you that our roleplaying hasn't. Writing with my friends has and will continue to be a great source of excitement and entertainment for me and I hope that it is for any who come to this blog as well!

Recently TheApprentice and I (Psychogiggles) have been going through and editing our roleplays because we hope that one day we might actually be able to turn them into actual novels. It has been an immensely entertaining journey as we have realized just how far we've come as writers since we started. There is still a lot of work to do before anything we write becomes worthy to be read by amazing people like you, but we're going to keep working for it! Because since we have found so much joy interacting with our characters as we write, maybe you would too!

Want to help? There's a few things you can do.

*If you like it, let us know! :)
See, we're putting parts of our stories up here for you to read and enjoy. Help us to see that what we're writing may actually be interesting.

*Have questions about the characters or story? Please ask!
We would LOVE to hear any feedback on the characters or world we've created. If something is confusing, if you particularly like something, or if you're just curious about a character's favorite color, let us know!

*Have suggestions? Please voice them!
In rereading our past stories it has become painfully clear to us that we aren't always the best writers. We have definitely improved over time, but would love any feedback you, our lovely audience, are willing to give.

There's still plenty of tips and tricks to writing and roleplaying here on the blog so please puruse that to your heart's desire.

Keep on writing! Onward to roleplay writing awesomeness!

Check out the latest edits of our stories here.



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