
Short Description of Story: 

Set in the sandy lands of Ancient Arabia, this tale tells about a collection of sorcerers and sorcerers in training as they learn about the wild magics from the west, go about their daily lives, and then are thrust into a world or danger, scandal and treachery. If they don't put a stop to the evil, then the wars that tore the land apart only a few generations ago could fill the land yet again.


Seraphin, Theapprentice, and Psychogiggles


Part 1


Because sometimes the characters just need to be drawn. 
Faiz Reading, by Psychogiggles
Introduced in Part 1

Being Princess-y, by Psychogiggles
Daniyah introduced in Part 1

Qusay as regular soldier, by Psychogiggles
Introduced in Part 1


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